10 Minute No Kit Workout For Anybody, Anywhere and Anytime!

The key to any great workout, whether through resistance or bodyweight training, is to make sure all the movement patterns can be covered, especially if training time is a factor.

Bodyweight training is a great way of keeping yourself fit, flexible, mobile and healthy. Not to mention, you can also do it anywhere. Exercise on its own has many wonderful benefits, and just because we are not using heavier weights, that doesn’t mean we don’t get the benefits.

Bodyweight training can employ a heavier cardio base to work our Lactic and anaerobic systems as well as our aerobic system. This it means it can scale, whether for a beginner to training or to a more advanced athlete, making bodyweight training truly versatile. The training parameters you can change also make it easy to track and scale, even on the fly. 

So the 10 minute routine I have put together below can be done anywhere, without equipment - leaving you more time to enjoy your holidays, time with the kids or just to enjoy a bit more time for yourself. Just pick a progression from below based on your skill level, experiment with it, and adjust if required. Resistance bands are ideal but any heavy household objects along with towels, chairs, sofas and broom handles will work just fine.

For each variation, pick an version of that move that will challenge you over the time period, as you want your body to work its hardest inside your 10 minutes. Remember form is key, and that if your form is solid, you can experiment with the explosiveness in Concentric movement (coming upward) and slowing down the Eccentric movement (the negative).

Keep track of your progressions and reps through the workout in a journal. Then, each time you repeat the workout, try to add one rep to each exercise. Then if you reach a plateau, change your version of the exercise and start that process again.

  • Press Up Variation – 45 on/15 off (can adjust to 40/20 or 30/30 as needed) Horizontal Push

Press Up Negatives, Press Ups from knees, Regular Press Ups, Diamond Press Ups, Wide Grip Press Ups, Pike Press Ups, Archer Press Ups, Planche Lean Push Ups, Tiger Bend Press Ups, OAPU (One Armed Press Up)

  • Pull Up Variation – 45 on/15 off (can adjust to 40/20 or 30/30 as needed) Vertical Pull

Floor Pull Ups (with/without bands), Scapula Shrugs, Chin Ups, Regular Pull Ups, Narrow Grip Pull Ups, Wide Grip Pull Ups, Archer Pull Ups, OAP/OAC (One Armed Pull Up or One Armed Chin Up)

  • Dips Variation – 45 on/15 off (can adjust to 40/20 or 30/30 as needed) Vertical Push

Tricep Dips, Seated Dips, Dips from Press Up Position, Regular Dips, Ring Dips, Archer Dips, Tiger Bend Dips (on bars only)

  • Rows Variation – 45 on/15 off (can adjust to 40/20 or 30/30 as needed) Horizontal Pull

Res. Band Row, Aussie Row, Seated Row, Bent Over Row, Renegade Rows, Ring Rows, Single Arm Row

  • Squats Variation – 45 on/15 off (can adjust to 40/20 or 30/30 as needed) Lower Push

BW Squats, Glute Bridges, Single Leg Glute Bridges, Jump Squats, Cossack Squats, Heel Elevated Squats, Calf Raises, Tib Raises, Lunges, Jump Lunges, Split Squats, ATG Split Squats, Poliquin Step Ups, Pistol Squats, Shrimp Squats, Sissy Squats

  • Deadlift Variation – 45 on/15 off (can adjust to 40/20 or 30/30 as needed) Lower Pull

Hip Hinge, Deadlift, Single Leg Ham. Curl (with towel), Ham. Curls (with towel), RDL (Romanian Deadlift), STR Leg Deadlift, Jefferson Curl

  • Core Exercises– 45 on/15 off (can adjust to 40/20 or 30/30 as needed) Rotation

Core Exercises– 45 on/15 off  (can adjust to 40/20 or 30/30 as needed) Rotation

Elbow Plank, Full Plank, London Bridges, Side Plank, Plank Ups, Knee Raise, Hanging Knee Raise, Diagonal Hanging Knee Raise, Round The Worlds, Ab Crunches, Sit Ups, Bicycle Crunches, Get Ups, Russian Twists, Crucifix Crunches, Butterfly Crunches, Mountain Climbers, Slow Motion Mountain Climbers

  • Rest – 1 min

That is the ten minutes up, but feel free to repeat the session you do between 2 and 4 times, if time allows.

I hope this article helps you raise your game!


Squat Ramps: Why You Should Use Them